Petworth Lawn Tennis Club

Play Can Resume

Article Date: Wednesday Wed 05 2020

We are pleased to announce that singles and doubles can resume at Petworth Lawn Tennis Club

We are pleased that there has been a relaxation of the lockdown rules and that tennis can now be played in accordance with the rules set out by the LTA. Please remember the following important information when coming to the club to play:


  • Take hand sanitizer with you
  • Take all your own equipment (do not share equipment such as racquets, grips, hats and towels)
  • Only take the minimum amount of equipment with you that you need to play
  • Clean and wipe down your equipment, including racquets and water bottles before and after use 
  • Bring a full water bottle, and do not share food or drink with others
  • Bring your own tennis balls that are clearly marked (e.g. with your initials)
  • Avoid using your hands to pick up tennis balls that aren’t yours; use your racquet/foot to hit/kick them to your opponent or return them to another court
  • Ensure you take all your belongings with you at the end of the session and do not leave anything on court


  • Avoid using other equipment such as courtside benches, net handles or court sweepers where possible
  • Be aware that onsite toilet facilities may not be open; where they are open, players are advised to take particular care when using them

LTA playing guidence after lockdown

Come and join us - new members are always welcome.